Great Review Music Sheet
The Paper
Since the earliest days of musical composition, music has been committed to paper as a way of retaining it in memory. One may imagine Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Tchaikovsky or Strauss jotting down musical notes on parchment which are today's "classical" scores. How important is sheet music as it is now known and recognized to the musician? As important as the instrument they play. To a symphonic maestro, it is the most critical tool of performance.
The Sheet Today
Professional musicians read the compositions from sheets that guide them along as they play their instruments. Whole musical scores are composed on sheets and become Broadway, Opera, Movie and Symphony musical work. Some of the most famous Broadway scores like West Side Story, Pippin, Hair, Oklahoma, South Pacific and Funny Girl originated on a sheet. The scores for films like The Great Escape, Walt Disney's Fantasia and Cabaret all began as sheet music. This all proves how a music sheet grows from a slip of paper with a few notes, keys and chords to a completely awesome and unforgettable creation.
The Music Sheet In The Studio
Whenever a band, quartet or musical group begins to create their own signature musical style, they rely on a sheet as the means to commit it to memory so they can use it while they practice, rehearse and in performances. The same is true in a studio where musical instruments are taught to students.
From the first lesson, students learn to "read" music from a sheet. They learn a few notes at first. Then, they are taught to synchronize these notes as they play them on their instruments. Many elementary, high schools and colleges, rely heavily on the use of pre-printed sheets for their student performances. Take note when a high school or college marching band plays in an outdoor performance. Each instrument has a tiny set of music sheets attached to their instrument as they play.
Where To Buy
Sheets are sold in studios, record stores and centers that sell musical instruments.
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