Looking For Reading Piano Sheet Music For Beginners - 5 Easy Tips

Reading Piano Sheet Music can look like ink splattered across a page to begin with! The good news is - it becomes easier to read and it is totally logical. Here are 5 easy tips on Reading Piano Sheet Music for Beginners.

#1 - The piano notes are named after the first 7 letters of the alphabet - A B C D E F G. The white notes rise up the piano, one after each other, in alphabetical order. In piano sheet music, they do exactly the same. If you wrote the notes A B C D E F G in sheet music they would appear as a diagonal ascending line.

If the notes rise on the piano, they rise in the sheet music.

#2 - Find Middle C on the piano. As the name suggests, Middle C is in the middle of the piano. It is also in the middle of the right hand and left hand staffs.

The right hand reads from the top staff using the treble clef. Middle C is written underneath the staff with a ledger line through it.

The left hand reads from the bottom staff using the bass clef. Middle C is written above the staff, with a ledger line through it.

Middle C always has a ledger line through the MIDDLE of it.

#3 - Both music staffs have 5 lines and 4 spaces between.

In the treble clef the 4 space notes spell FACE.

In the bass clef, the bottom 3 space notes spell ACE.

#4 - In the treble clef for the 5 line notes say: "Every Great Bands Deserves Fame"

In the bass clef for the 5 line notes say: "Great Bands Deserve Fame Always"

#5 - If you play 2 space notes on the piano, you would miss a white note each time.

If you play 2 line notes on the piano, you would also miss a white note each time.


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